The Loyal Wife - Sneak Peek

Hey, book bae!

The Loyal Wife, my first traditionally published book, releases tomorrow! Here’s a look into the first chapter.


 They were fucking screwed—there was no doubt about that.

They were all going to prison, and at that point, there was nothing Dante could do about it.

Worse, from the looks of it, someone was setting Dante up to take the fall.

Since he was the one who handled the taxes for their company, it was Dante’s responsibility to make sure every dime they brought in and paid out was accounted for. As he swiped from one page to another, Dante’s heart raced and thumped harder against his rib cage.

None of it was making any sense.

There were incorrect amounts on payroll invoices and financial statements, imaginary customers were billed that hadn’t received services, and a lot of customers appeared to have been charged two and three times the amount they should have been. Tossing the papers onto his desk, Dante sat deeper in his seat and released a slow, tired breath.

When he opened his credit repair, loans, taxes, and investment business five years ago, it was with the belief that his partners all had the same intentions as him. His wife, and their best friends, Eric and Jessica, were the closest people to Dante. If there was anyone he trusted with his life and business, it was them. Now, Dante had to figure out who was stealing from him and their customers… and quickly.

Their accountant was expecting their financial documents in seventy-two hours to start preparing their taxes for the previous quarter. How in the hell was he going to explain this mess that someone had created? Dante couldn’t focus on that. Right now, he needed to call an emergency meeting to figure out who was stealing from their company and why.

But would they actually tell him?

Dante’s head shook as he sat up in his seat. Looking around at the papers sprawled against his dark brown desk, Dante gritted his teeth as he thought over his next move. There was no doubt someone was stealing, but they probably wouldn’t just come outright and say it. Whoever it was would need to be confronted with irrefutable evidence. As he scratched the back of his head, Dante decided to call one of his tech friends to have software downloaded on everyone’s computers in the office. Then he’d have cameras installed. If that didn’t help him catch whoever it was in the act, he’d inform his wife and seek her help.

Grabbing his phone, Dante decided to go and search everyone’s offices. Their office was on the ninth floor of a twelve-floor building. When guests first entered, they stopped at the light-colored reception area before being guided to Dante or someone else for help. His wife’s office was right next to his, but he decided to save hers for last. She was his life partner; Dante was confident she had nothing to do with this.

Starting with Eric, Dante went into his best friend of over fifteen year’s office and prayed he wouldn’t find anything that would prove Eric was stealing from their company and customers. Though Eric had always been ambitious, it was never to the point where he’d take what didn’t belong to him and risk going to prison. Dante made his way through the dark-colored office, heading first to Eric’s iMac. If he was falsifying statements, they would have to be done on his computer, right?

“Of course not. Eric isn’t stupid enough to do this on his office computer,” Dante grumbled, sitting down. “I have to at least check,” he decided, typing Eric’s password into the computer.

Once he was logged in, Dante went through Eric’s 2023 files, coming up empty. Everything seemed to be correct, which didn’t surprise him. If anyone was up to something corrupt, it had to be Jessica. She was Eric’s wife, but she was the person Dante trusted the least. He made his way to her office, coming up empty there too. Jessica printed all her client’s files, making it easy for him to scan each one.

Dante was about to leave, but when he passed his wife’s office, he felt the urge to go inside. Before going to her desk, Dante looked around, trying to convince himself it would be a waste of time. Her office was immaculate, as always. The green and silver décor matched her home office. He walked over to her customized silver desk, running his fingers across it. Releasing a low breath, Dante glanced at the pictures of them behind her desk before sitting down.

Her iMac desktop and laptop were on her desk. He started with her laptop, surprised when he realized she’d changed the password. Dante released a low hum and tapped his fingers on top of the desk briefly.

“What are you hiding?” Dante mumbled, going to her desktop when none of the passwords he tried on the laptop worked. That password was still the same, causing Dante to release a sigh of relief. Instead of going through the files on her desktop, Dante accessed her iCloud, where he found fictitious statements and invoices mirroring the ones in his office.

Refusing to believe his wife was the one committing fraud, Dante immediately logged out of her computer and went back to his office. For a while he just sat there, staring out into the darkness. It was a little after midnight, and the downtown streets of Memphis were eerily quiet. Standing, Dante made his way to the large window on the side of his office. Hands stuffed in his gray slacks, Dante cursed under his breath.

If she was stealing from the company, there had to be a reason for it.

If she was stealing from the company, what else was she doing behind his back?

Synopsis & to preorder:

An emotionally charged psychological thriller that will leave fans breathless as they bear witness to the lengths a wife will go to honor her vows. An addictive page turner for fans of twisty plots in the same vein of Colleen Hoover’s Verity.

Perfect wife… Perfect life… until you can’t remember either.

The moment Dante Williams wakes up on the side of the road, unsure of where he is or who he is, his life changes for the worse. After a brief stay in the hospital, Dante is released to the care of his loving wife, Sade. Sade is beautiful, successful, and loyal. So loyal, she devotes herself to Dante indefinitely, hoping this will help him appreciate what he has—his life and his wife. 

While seemingly having it all, their perfect marriage isn’t enough to keep Dante from digging up the past in hopes of recovering his memory. It isn’t long before he begins questioning Sade’s behavior and intentions. Once secrets start to unravel, Dante is left more confused than the day following the accident. 

When Dante discovers evidence of something more sinister at play, he prepares to end his marriage but learns quickly that Sade meant every word in her vows and plans to honor them, until death.


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